FEBRUARY 2024 – To continue building student-centered higher education

The activities of ACE Line 2 have allowed ACE participants to (i) become champions of the implementation of the Student-Centered Approach in their institutions, and (ii) help other academics, students and higher education authorities to achieve a higher level of competences necessary to make Student Centred Higher Education a reality.

To support and encourage similar work in other higher education institutions, the designs of the sessions carried out with recommendations for future facilitators, as well as the different resources that can be used during such capacity building sessions, and suggestions for readings on different aspects of Student-Centred Approach have been made available on the project website (


Likewise, all the Model Curricula that were designed by the ACE Units and which (1) offer concrete examples of (i) graduate profiles expressed in Programme Learning Outcomes, (ii) Course Learning Outcomes, (iii) ways of organizing student work in terms of the student workload distribution, and (2) show how the key principles of the Student-Centered Approach can be incorporated in learning, teaching, assessment and curricular review activities – can be consulted in the Line 3 – Results Achieved section.

JANUARY 2024 – Articulating the Impact of the ACE Project

During the Fourth General and Final Meeting of the project, the students, academics, academic authorities and contact persons present were invited to record short videos to articulate the impact of the project on themselves, their ways of seeing, living and constructing higher education & their programmes, departments & institutions. Others who had worked on the project were also invited to record similar videos, even if they were not part of the teams present in Lima.

Gianinna Ramos, a student member of the ACE Unit in Environmental Studies of the National University of Asunción, Paraguay, took the initiative of editing the ‘video-responses’ received, grouping them into 34 video-capsules that are shared below and allow us to know the different aspects of the impact of the ACE project on its core participants. 

The videos are all in Spanish or Portuguese, so their ‘themes’ & sub-themes are listed below directly in Spanish, the ACE project main working language.

Para empezar…

¿Quiénes somos? ¿Qué es ACE?

¿Qué nos ha aportado el proyecto ACE?

Aprendiendo sobre ACE aplicando ACE El estudiante como protagonista de su propio aprendizaje

El impacto de haber trabajado juntos entre estudiantes y docentes como pares

Trabajando juntos: Docentes y Estudiantes El desafío de romper barreras y trabajar juntos La clave: la horizontalidad

El impacto de haber trabajado con personas de otros países

Trabajando con otras Unidades ACE (cooperación internacional) Un proyecto intercultural que generó redes

El aprendizaje sobre otros planes de estudios

- otras maneras de abordar educación superior en el mismo área temática (19)

El haber logrado objetivos específicos del proyecto

¿Qué significó realizar una revisión exhaustiva de su plan de estudio? Constituir los Marcos de Referencia de Titulaciones para cada Área Temática

Aprender a 

Trabajar mejor en equipos internacionales e interdisciplinarios Usar resultados de aprendizaje como una herramienta de mejora de calidad de educación superior

¿Qué impacto ha tenido el proyecto ACE en los estudiantes?

Escuchando la voz del estudiante ¿Qué cambios se produjeron para estudiantes en el proyecto ACE? Futuros docentes entre los estudiantes ACE El impacto de ACE en las diferentes áreas profesionales de los estudiantes Un antes y un después como estudiante ACE

¿Qué impacto ha tenido el proyecto ACE sobre los docentes?

¿Qué impacto tuvo el proyecto ACE en el ejercicio de la Docencia? De qué manera impactó el proyecto ACE en el proceso de enseñanza de los docentes participantes Proyecto ACE: Más que un desafío, una oportunidad de cambio

Reflexiones sobre los logros y el impacto de proyecto ACE – desde las cuatro Áreas Temáticas

Educación Enfermería Historia Medio Ambiente - de los directivos y representantes institucionales

Impacto a nivel institucional y la sostenibilidad

Involucrando a toda la Institución Acciones llevadas por las Instituciones Educativas Transformación Curricular Post Proyecto ACE

Reflexiones finales sobre el impacto del proyecto ACE

Cerrando el Proyecto ACE (Parte 1) Cerrando el Proyecto ACE (Parte 2) Cerrando el Proyecto ACE (Parte 3) Unas últimas palabras de parte de los estudiantes del Proyecto ACE…

JANUARY 2024 – Repositories of Good Practices available online

The final versions of the 4 Repositories of Good Practices in Student-Centred Teaching, Learning and Assessment can be now accessed & explored on the project website. The Repositories have been built by students and academics from the different ACE partner universities in order to show which Student-Centred activities can help students achieve the learning outcomes (in terms of knowledge, skills and responsibilities) identified as key at the level of South-American region for these four areas of ​​study.

DECEMBER 2023 – Sharing and Discussing Outcomes & Outputs of the ACE Project

On December 1st, 2023, four parallel sessions were organised to present the outcomes and outputs of the ACE project, open to the entire academic community of Lima – students, academics, and institutional authorities. Each session focused on one of the key aspects of implementing the Student-Centred Approach: (1) learning outcomes, (2) student workload, (3) degree reference frameworks and repositories of good practices practices created by the ACE project teams, and (4) the dynamics necessary to implement the Student-Centred Approach.
Each of the sessions was designed to allow participants to get a first-hand experience of the Student-Centred Education through the dynamics used. The sessions were facilitated by mixed teams of students and academics from different subject areas and different ACE partner institutions.

DECEMBER 2023 – Fourth General & Final Meeting of the project

Lima – Perú

From November 29 to December 1, 2023, the Fourth Face-to-Face General Meeting of the ACE Project was hosted by the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería and the Universidad Nacional Mayor San Marcos, in the city of Lima, Peru. It was the closing meeting of the project, and allowed us to celebrate the multiple achievements, carry out a final review of the products of Lines 1 and 3, take a moment to articulate the impact of the project at the individual, team, and institutional levels; and dedicate time to devise more initiatives based on the progress established in the project, the networks built and the possibilities identified thanks to the four years of international and cross-disciplinary cooperation. In order to increase the impact at the institutional level and enhance sustainability, the ACE Units were joined on this occasion – as it already happened during the Third General Face-to-Face Meeting – by academic authorities from each programme/department/faculty and institutional coordinators of the ACE project from South American universities.

NOVEMBER 2023 – “Student-Centred Curriculum Innovation” Master’s programme launched

Cochabamba, Bolivia

In November 2023, the Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS) launched the “Student-Centred Curriculum Innovation” Master’s programme, as a ‘spin-off’/unexpected product of the ACE project. 39 participants – academics, heads of educational units, academic and administrative coordinators who were granted scholarships by the UMSS, started with the first module designed & facilitated by the representatives of different ACE Units.

NOVEMBER 2023 – Regional Webinar on Student-Centred Higher Education in Latin America & the Caribbean

On November 8, the “Advances and ways forward towards the consolidation of Student-Centred Learning in Latin America and the Caribbean” regional webinar took place. It was organised by the Strategic Partners of the ACE project – the Ministry of Education of Argentina, the Brazilian Association for International Education (FAUBAI) and the Colombian Association of Universities (ASCUN), with the aim of presenting the results of the ACE Project and to discuss how the sustainability of the impact could be guaranteed beyond the project end date.

OCTOBER 2023 – UMSS Education Sciences degree accredited

Cochabamba, Bolivia, Universidad Mayor de San Simón

After the hard work of curricular revision, the Education Sciences degree offered by the Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS) was accredited by the National Evaluation and Accreditation System SNEA – CEUB.

This accreditation was possible thanks to the implementation of the Academic Credit System based on the student workload and the introduction of revised course learning outcomes & course planning based on learning outcomes – two of the key aspects addressed in the framework of the ACE project.

SEPTEMBER 2023 – ACE project results presented during the National Meeting of Academic Vice-Chancellors in Colombia

Bucaramanga, Colombia/Online

On September 21, the results of the project were presented during the “University autonomy and assurance of learning in higher education” meeting of Academic Vice-Chancellors and other Higher Education Authorities organised by the Colombian Association of Universities (ASCUN). ACE project results were explained by academics, students and authorities from the two ACE partner universities in Colombia – UNILIBRE and UNISABANA, as well as the project coordination team.

SEPTEMBER 2023 – “Aprendizaje Centrado en el Estudiante de América del Sur – ACE” Open Session

Asunción – Paraguay

On September 7, an open dissemination session was held at the Faculty of Agrarian Sciences of the National University of Asunción to share what the project has achieved and discuss with representatives of the academic community of Paraguay how ACE outcomes and outputs can be of use for those fostering higher education developments in Paraguay.

SEPTEMBER 2023 – 3rd Face-to-Face General Meeting

Asunción – Paraguay

On September 4, 5 and 6, the Third Face-to-Face General Meeting of the ACE Project took place at the headquarters of the National University of Asunción, Universidad del Cono Sur de las Américas and the Universidad Iberoamericana, in the city of Asunción, Paraguay.

These were three intense days of work on the Repositories of Good Practices in Student-Centred Teaching, Learning and Assessment (Line 1 of the project), sharing the results of the capacity building sessions on Assessment in the Student-Centred Approach and ‘the lessons learned’ by each ACE Unit about the process of involving other academics and students in the work necessary to implement the Student-Centred Approach’ (Line 2 of the project), and the Model Curricula (Line 3).

Special sessions were organised to promote peer-learning about what was done at each university in terms of dissemination and to jointly generate ideas for possible and necessary actions to ensure the sustainability of the change initiated/deepened by the ACE project and a greater impact of the project at different levels.